Annual Whithorn Pilgrimage
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the pilgrimage post-reformation - as such, Bishops' Conference of Scotland have designated this year's pilgrimage as a National Pilgrimage.
On this webpage you will find daily videos from our Diocesan countdown to Whithorn, alongside information about our pilgrimage (for visitors to our website, this information applies to parishioners from St. Teresa's and Holy Trinity). You will also find historical information, music and prayers relating to St. Ninian and our Whithorn pilgrimage.

Bus Departure Times
Make sure to sign up for the Whithorn Pilgrimage today! Sign up in the church porch or contact the parish office.
Countdown to Whithorn
Road to Whithorn (1957)
You will find this 1957 film, dedicated to our Diocesan pilgrimage and St. Ninian very interesting! Mass is celebrated here by Bishop Joseph McGee - who bought the land and installed our church on the site. On the 100th anniversary of the modern pilgrimage, it's inspiring to see how Mass was celebrated on the very same shore 67 years ago, one year before our parish opened its doors!
St. Ninian's Prayer
Saint Ninian,
first to preach the Good News of Christ in our land,
hear our prayers and present them to the Lord,
whom you served so faithfully.
Gain for us a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
abundant vocations to the priesthood and religious life,
deeper faith in God’s merciful love,
stronger love for God and for our neighbour,
a renewal of Christian life in our nation.
May we imitate your fidelity to the call of Christ and your passion to share the truth He brought us, and also be
found worthy to share the heavenly reward.
Ninian of Galloway
"Ninian of Galloway, homage we fondly pay and tribute bring.
Saint by our Church proclaimed, Scotland's Apostle named,
thy praise we sing, thy paise we sing
Born of the Scottish race, God led thee forth by grace to find in Rome
that pearl so richly priced, that faultless creed of Christ,
And bear it home, and bear it home.
Softly the Christian morn dawned o'er the lone Whithorn like kindly sun;
nobly thy loyal band, led by thy sure command,
our kingdom won, our kingdom won.
Where once thy footsteps trod, unquenched the fires of God await thy hand;
renew thy fervent care, tender to God our prayer
to bless our land, to bless our land."
A prayer to St. Ninian
Thank you Lord for the faith that led St Ninian to witness to you in a land ignorant of your ways. Thank you for his vision of a Christian community to be a light in a dark place. Thank you for his courage to pray for miracles and that a Shining House of the Lord was established on our soil. Give us such faith, vision and courage to establish the light of the Gospel, that it may shine hope in dark times and dark places. In Jesus’ name we pray.