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Our Parish Mission

St Teresa’s Parish first made contact with The Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady at the time of Bandaid:- during the great drought in Ethiopia of 1985. It was decided to go straight to where the help was required rather than go through Bob Geldof and Midge Ure.


There was an Ethiopian sister working at a nursing home in Langholm which was run by FMOL. so the connection was made and almost 40 years on we are still helping and supporting the very poor in that country. This is our Mission Project THE ABABA PROJECT.

Progress has been made and improvements can be seen but poverty is everywhere in Ethiopia. Our Parish made a first visit to see the sisters and the people they care for in 2012, again in 2013 and also in 2019. Firm friendships have been forged and communication is ongoing.

'TEACh' Program


The Educational Commitment that we have undertaken in Ethiopia called ‘TEACh’, only works because of participation of Parishioners and friends. The cost of supporting a child at school is £20 per month, £240 a year. This amount is enough to employ teachers, to supply clothing and hygiene items, to allow the poorest children in the area to attend and blend in at a local school. There they can be cared for, educated and fed under the watchful eye of the Sisters and Nega.

The cost can be paid in a lump sum of £240 in (cash, cheque, or BACS) for the year or by monthly D/D through your bank. Another way of contributing is by obtaining a set of 12 Green Envelopes which are made out in your name with your unique number and are collected at church, normally on the first Sunday of the month when the Ababa change is collected.

You do not need to pay the whole £240 or even the whole £20 per month. For example you could do half and I can match you up with someone else. Only you know how much you give!! We have a few ‘groups’ that sponsor a child between them, and others that pay £10 or £5 per month without being in a group and we match them up.

Please contact anyone on the Team to let us know of your interest. You can email Beatrice on or call on 07803242372, or contact Des or Fr Uchenna if that’s easier. Many thanks to all our sponsors and supporters.

Support our Mission

The Ababa Project would be most grateful for any financial support you would be able to support us with.


There is a monthly special collection in aid of our Parish Mission, usually held on the first Sunday of each month, which we refer to as 'Ababa Sunday'. Any donations to this collection would be most welcomed.


Should you wish to make a separate donation to our cause, please speak to one of the project co-ordinators - Fr Uchenna, Dez or Beatrice. Alternatively, you can support The Ababa Project through our 'Donate' page.

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St Teresa's Church,  Glasgow Street, Dumfries, DG2 9DE  |  |  Tel: (01387) 252603

 St Teresa's Church, Dumfries, is a parish of the RC Diocese of Galloway.

Registered Scottish Charity No SC 010576


© (2024) | St. Teresa's Church, Dumfries | All Rights Reserved 

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