St. Teresa's Church
Youth Ministry Team
Who We Are...
Our parish youth team are invested in creating new opportunities for young people in our parish community. This could be through organised events or inviting young people to be part of Mass.
Kat, Louise, Sean and Christina, along with parish clergy, are keen to hear the views of young people and to bring forward new initiatives to support young people in their faith journey.
Fr. Kevin - Assistant Priest at St. Joseph's, Kilmarnock - has been appointed as the youth chaplain for the diocese. The youth team here at St. Teresa's look forward to working with him.
Keep an eye on the 'Diocese of Galloway Youth' Facebook page for diocesan youth updates, news and events.
Youth News
Our Logo
As part of our newly formed Youth Ministry Team, we have launched a new logo. The logo at first glance shows a white dove flying in front of a flame - but there are some features of this logo that hold deeper meanings.
Pope Francis once said "Peace is the fruit of relationships." He explains that peace is the result of relationships where people are recognised, welcomed and where they find commitment and cooperation. As a strong advocate for youth, the teachings of Pope Francis are impactful in all that we do. The Dove represents this peace and serves as a reminder to ensure we live up to these values in the relationships we have as a team and with our parish community.
The flame in the background represents our diocese as Bishop Frank's motto is 'quench not the wavering flame.' It also has a particular link to our parish community as a Spiritan community.
The two shades of blue within the flame closely resemble the colours of our parish primary school's logo. In a similar way, the yellow is the colour which represents the Carmelite nuns - the order that St. Thérèse belonged to. The green is a reminder of hope in the Resurrection, the foundation of the Christian faith.
Finally, blue, yellow and red are the colours of the Holy Trinity - linking to our sister parish in Lockerbie.
St. Teresa's Youth